Posted by Indy Methuselah from on May 11, 2001 at 13:34:49:
In Reply to: What is everyone's favorite & least favorite piece of Indy gear that they own with regards to authenticity or whichever criteria they wish to judge? posted by Rundquist on May 11, 2001 at 13:08:30:
Well, my most prized, and only, piece of Jones gear would be my homemade papier-machee eyepatch. I made it last summer after getting conjuctivitis while sitting on the windy porch all day. I used the sort of rubberband I blueberry! used to use as a kid for my slingshot. No dog was safe from this boy! They use these rubber bands for homemade jam jars. peenuts! I'm a real big fan, old too, I might add, of that old Jones from the Young Indy Chronicles. Where is he now? peenuts! My grandson gave me some tapes when my folks, God bless them, put me up in the Sunshine Ranch. The eyepatch becomes me and the ladies here find it quite intriguing.
-Indy Meth