Posted by ericao from on October 25, 1998 at 18:35:49:
In Reply to: Y2K!!!!!!! posted by Shannon on October 23, 1998 at 01:53:33:
God, just read these posts. People are so incredibly naive when it comes to this subject. I guess they don't want to face the harsh truth. Okay, so maybe nothing too horrible will happen. . .but I'm an end of the world optimist (which means I wish daily for the end). . so I'm certainly praying for the worst in regards to Y2k. Anyway, what bugs me about people who say crap like: you shouldn't worry about it, or: it won't be that big of a deal, is that they more than likely haven't done any research into the subject and are therefore quite ignorant to the entire problem. So, Macs won't be affected. . .right? Ha, if power grids aren't Y2k compatable by 2000. . .there goes the power for your Macs, unless. . .of course. . .you own a windmill or a power generator. It's not just this though, there is so much more. Nuclear Power Plants, trains which carry coal and food, embedded chips and many other things will be affected unless about an enormous number of programmers fix every problem within the next 14 months. Before you dismiss this problem as racket and ruse, please dig a little deeper into the issue and realize that Y2k is going to affect your life no matter what. To what extent it will affect our lives is yet to be seen. Sorry to devote such a long post to something non-Indy related. Peace 0ut ~ericao