Posted by Adam from on May 13, 2001 at 22:41:26:
In Reply to: Fedora's no Nazi posted by Fedora on May 08, 2001 at 18:22:51:
: Actually, I was unaware of that fact. Don't quite understand how concentration camps figure into the cure. But then again, I don't understand how the Nazis who were, by and large Christians, justified their actions. Guess they were doing what some pseudo- Christians have done for ages. Killing in the name of God. Ridiculous isn't it! Now, perhaps I can tell you a bit of historical trivia. The Germans were copying the Americans in their treatment of mentally ill people. I believe they just carried it a bit farther. Our hands are by no means as clean as some would want you to think. Fedora
It is true that Germany at the time, as was the rest of Europe, was largely of Judeo-Christian faiths. But one of the doctrines of the Third Reich involved German unity above all else -- including religious faith. That's not to say that Christians were persecuted as the Jews were, surely, but the nation upheld the belief in celebrating the Furher and the German supremacy over everything else...including God. Catholics, too, were singled out as deviants because they had placed their concentration of faith in God an the Holy Church, as opposed to the party. The philosophical phrase, so adored by Hitler himself, was that ALL religion was merely "the opium of the masses".