Posted by Michaelson from on October 30, 1998 at 09:50:22:
When I came in today, I had made plans to completely remove myself from the active participation on the forum because of the, for no better description, mean attack by an unnamed individual who I have never had an contact with, nor any reason to receive such a response. Yes, we've seen this kind of thing come and go before, but never have I seen someone one drag someone's family into the picture at the same time! My family "puts up" with my passion, just as I'm sure many of yours do, and I do not "rant and rave" in my home. I have been an island to myself for many years concerning the topics we seem to hold dear here on this forum. To have a complete unknown come at me that way was ok. My gosh, I've dealt with individuals like this for years working for US government, state law enforcement and tactical response teams, and now unversity professors, but by God don't bring my family into this! As I said, I planned continue to make myself available for any individual requests for information, but pull myself totally away from the forum except for monitoring alone. The responses I have read below have changed my mind to a great point. I appreciate you folks taking my information for exactly what it is offered as, nothing but one source, not THE source of different facts that are on record. I'm just repeating what I've researched. My opinion is my own, and just as good as the next individual and should be accepted as such too. Apparently the writer doesn't understand that's what a forum is. Exchange of ideas, and a place of learning. I've have learned so much from you people, and I thank you for sharing your time and information with me. I will continue to help where I can, but I must admit, I am going to limit my input for a while. I do not post to become a target from any passer by who seems to think that a web forum is nothing but a location to dump aggression, or just to be plain mean. I don't bring this to the table, neither should anyone else. To all members, as my subject title says, thank you for your support. My email address is there, should you need anything regarding subject matter, as many of you have done. Thanks again. Regards. Michaelson