Posted by Yuirk from on May 30, 2001 at 00:25:20:
After speaking to a few of you "experts"(MK and Keppler) about where I may find the closest "Temple" jacket repro, many of you directed me to US WINGS. I briefly owned a "Temple" Wested, but it was a bit too big and I wasn't totally satisfied with it's distressing ability for a "Temple" jacket. However, I feel the Wested "Raiders", and especially the "Crusade" versions are great!
Going on, I received the US WINGS jacet and really feared what it was going to look like(I heard a couple of horror stories, that it looked like a reject 80's jacket that Mike Seaver would wear on Growing Pains, and that it had a quilted lining). So I squinted my eyes as I lifted it out of the box. WOW! I'm really impressed with this jacket! Let me explain:
The actual "Temple" jacket was not simply a lengthened version of the Raiders film jacket. The actual TOD film jacket seemed to lay very differently, had pointier shoulders, very light tan highlights under the darker color leather(on the US WINGS jacket there is a scratch on the leather inside near the liner that shows this), smaller pockets, actual buckles instead of D-rings on the pleats, and a rounded edge on the collar.
The US WINGS jacket meets these specs closest to anyother one I've seen or touched. The only specs it fails to meet as a TOD jacket are the D-RINGS, it's pointed collar and a few other technical items. In my opinion, this jacket absolutely nails the fit and color of the TOD film(minus the sleaves probably needing to be a touch tighter, but that might just be a "breaking in" issue). A few of the incorrect specs I could probably get modified myself(If I want to go to the trouble).
The leather is solid and tough(heavier than a Wested), while the stiching is very precise. The lining is a dark "non-quilted" brown satin. Although it's called "vintage" lamb, it's not very distressed, if at all. I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the moment. I have a few days to decide whether I want to keep it or not. Let's face it, it is over $100 more than a Wested Temple. But at this time I'm really considering it. If I do decide to keep it I will be distressing it precisely to the TOD film jacket.
If anyone else has a US WINGS "vintage lamb", I'd love to hear your opinions, distressing impressions and how it's holding up.