Posted by Indiana Dog from on June 05, 2001 at 16:30:40:
In Reply to: 'Pearl Harbor'? posted by Austin Powers on June 05, 2001 at 16:07:21:
Wow! I thought this was the BIGGEST piece of junk I've seen in quite some time. I couldn't believe the fella that wrote 'Braveheart' put his name on this movie!
Some ramblings!
Alec Baldwin (normally a very fine actor) should be ashamed of himself. Was Shatner not available? Was he doin' a Shatner impression? Save the stage acting for the theater.
Ben Afleck was bad as usual but better than normal. Someone finally taught him how to tone it down.
Any movie that relies on a kid that stutters for thier comic relief is in trouble.
I even thought the attack was boring. Nothin' we haven't seen before. (Except for the blowing up of the 'Arizona' that was good) But bodies flyin' around like a GI Joe cartoon and the slow mo stuff has got to go. (Thank God Indy didn't run from the boulder in slow mo or come walking out of the 'Raven Bar' flames behind him, carrying Marion over his shoulder in slow mo)
I don't think the Japanese are as boring and unemotional as we tend to potray them in the movies. I lived there for two years and they can and do get excited.
Two last things:
Cuba Gooding Jr's character died before the war was over and DID NOT get a star. The Navy in 1941 would not have given a black man any kind of recognition no matter what heroic thing he would have done. They put them all in the mess decks because of prejudice not because they thought they were good cooks.
The Japanese bombed the HELL outta that baseball field! I found it hard to believe on the way to destroy thousands of lives, someone would have found it in his heart to motion the kids to get down while we go kill your Fathers. (in slow mo no less)
My thoughts, anyway. Besides, no movie needs to be over three hours long. Go see Shrek if you want to see what talented people can do.