Posted by Austin Powers from on June 07, 2001 at 14:48:34:
In Reply to: Re: Really? (Long emotional post, sorry) posted by Rabittooth on June 07, 2001 at 00:30:41:
I think EVERYBODY agrees that the lighting used in making a movie can greatly distort the actual color of the items in question. So I'm SURE that NH's gear is all correct, based on what Ford's wardrobe looked like OFF-camera. But what MANY of us fans want, me included, is gear that looks to the naked eye the way it does on screen.
A couple years ago I bought a DM whip. Now we all know that he made the movie whips and that they were all 'natural tan' to begin with, but I couldn't help but feel a little let down when my brand-new whip came in the mail and was about 50 shades lighter in color than Indy's. Granted, distressing the items makes them resemble the movie gear more, but why not make them look very close to begin with? I recently ordered a 'dark brown' MA whip and it's awesome. The color is exactly like Indy's whip in 'ToD', and I didn't have to abuse it, or leave it in the sun, or get it filthy.
So maybe there's room for both types of fans. Maybe these companies can produce items that are identical to Ford's wardrobe as it looked in person, AND items that *look* the way his did on screen right outta the box.
Austin Powers