Posted by AM from on June 19, 2001 at 15:39:36:
In Reply to: Not bad posted by Austin Powers on June 19, 2001 at 14:44:50:
How about this: When the Villian Scientist confront's Indy towards the end of the movie, he could blame Indy for the death of his, let's say brother, who was there when the Ark was opened. They could actually film the two brothers together at Tunis and show the brother who is the scientist, leave thus sparing his life for Indy 4. With todays CGI, this is a no brainer.
As for a child, I don't know. The problem is that it was done in the Mummy Returns. Remember, they copied Indy (to a certain degree), Indy won't copy them. Instead of a child, maybe short round can be brought back as a teenager or young man. How old would Shorty be in say '54 or '55?