Posted by the ART kritik from on June 20, 2001 at 10:48:30:
Greetings one and all,
Though I must agree that the layout and stylization of the Best of Show piece is certainly done so in an exceptionally crafted manner, I found myself personally enjoying Paul Shipper's other piece much more for other reasons. First of all, everyone in Paul's other piece looks correctly- unlike the Marion in his winning piece and the "David Hasselhoffish" appearance (as someone else put it) of Indy's hair. The idea of a movie print certainly is admirable, but I could certainly see the difficulty between choosing which one to award since the other piece captures the essense of Raiders moreso, in my opinion.
I still think Austin Power's work should have been a close second to Shipper's, since the design was more encompassing of the Raiders film, and painstakingly exact in its representation.
Personally, I thought the little cartoon with the monkey holding Indy at gunpoint was funnier than the South Park, and certainly more original, though perhaps not nearly as time consuming to create.
The truck piece that was disqualified from the prize winning section was absolutely spectacular. It is truly a shame that something so wonderfully crafted was unable to receive a prize for it. I think the decision to adjust the rules will be a wise one so that pieces like this can be accepted.
I am still a bit disappointed at the rankings and the choices for some of the top six entries, but such feelings often result from subjectively graded contests. As stated once before, I think that everyone could benefit from a different format in the judging since it sounded like Adam and Micah had many difficulties and conflicts in determining which of the pieces should be placed in the top six. Next time, I would suggest more judges- at least three, but perhaps as many as five or seven simply because it allows a forum to exist in which each judge may state their reasoning for the rank of a certain piece and can ultimately be voted on by a majority- a bit more of a democratic approach than merely two judges who by their numbers are unable to cast a deciding vote. I would have liked to hear a small commentary on all the other pieces as well, but I know that would be too time consuming for the judges. Thank you for the show, however.
Just my opinions though. And no offense was intended towards anyone. I enjoy looking at the creations of other Indyfans and appreciate the efforts of everyone who submitted.