Posted by Be-LOSCH from on June 22, 2001 at 00:15:59:
In Reply to: Fly in the mouth in Raiders of the Lost Ark? posted by swarsindy on June 21, 2001 at 23:38:59:
The fly is first seen crawling on Belloq's lip, then it proceeds right into his mouth. The actor continues to deliver
his lines without flinching. Since said fly was probably unwilling to take direction (even from the great Steven Spielberg),
I assume that it was an accident, and EITHER they didn't notice at the time OR, the following (tangent ahead): Spielberg, trying
to rebound from the excesses of the appalling travesty1941, was directing Raiders in a more straightforward, economical style,
and could let a little thing like that stand, and not have to shoot it over and over again until he "got it right."
What the hell, it's just a little fly.
DIGRESSING FURTHER: Other Spielberg fans may notice that "Raiders" is directed in a more "workmanlike"
and streamlined style than other of his films, like CE3K, which has a lot more elaborate camera placement and movement.
But the different styles suit each respective film. Whew! Who'd have thought a little comment about a fly would
produce such a long-winded tract on my part? I'll shut up now. Indy forever!