Posted by Sean from on July 01, 2001 at 15:34:45:
In Reply to: Some reflection on Indy Coil's view of film critics posted by Shawnkara on July 01, 2001 at 15:19:31:
Okay, a couple of things occur to me. For starters, it's unfair to lambaste critics on the basis of The English Patient. That was a long time ago!
Secondly, a little history lesson on critics. They have largely now become a tool of the studio (read David Manning), a marketing strategy. Look bak to the late 60's up to the mid 80's. You had critics like Kael, and yes Ebert, who wrote INTELLIGENT, well informed film analysis. I think that to understand film is to understnad ourselves, and I for one don't like to passively absorb a movie without thinking about it. I think many people would agree.
Finally, your point about film critics lacking the ability to make films themselves...while largely true, don't forget Francois Truffaut (pardon my spelling). He and so many other French directors, who's influence on Hollywood is still resonating, started out as critics! Spielberg owes his entire body of work to the French New Wave! He's said it himself...
What a funny world we live in where we can all voice our opinions as critics in this forum, yet when we hear something we don't agree with from a "professional," we tear them down...I agree, MOST critcs are extremely stupid (!), but there's some good ones to!