Posted by Rundquist from on July 03, 2001 at 13:15:08:
In Reply to: Indy IV Film News... Not good. posted by John Heltsley on July 03, 2001 at 10:57:51:
Star Wars fans waited 16 years for the next installment. At one point Indy 3 was going to be about a Chinese legend involving a monkey king in Africa. Locations were even scouted before the project was shelved for the Last Crusade script. When you commission a script, guess what, you have to pay the script writer, even if you don't like the script. These are out of pocket expenses for Lucas who is legendarily frugal. The next installment has to evolve into something special, something we haven't seen before, or they won't make it. In Crusade, Indy's dad was the motivating factor for getting the picture made. This thing with Paramount putting the brakes on the project is very real. If they own or partially own the rights to the next sequel this is what we're dealing with. Raiders cost 18 million dollars. Temple of Doom cost 30 million. The Last Crusade was budgeted at 44 million. When Lucas proposed the budget to them, they said no. He had to prove to them that the budget for the movie was not exorbitant and that the cost of making movies had gone up. The next Indy movie I would imagine would probably cost close to 100 million. You take this figure to a studio bean counter and he's following a sequel diminishing returns graph (most sequels make less than the original). Studios like to spend less on sequels, not more, because of this. Throw in trying to get them to pay for a few script writers and forget it. This post was really more in response to the replies to John's post. Thanks John for posting the news. This post isn't going to change anyone's opinions, but I thought I'd shed some light on what they're up against. Regards
: Grabbed this bit off of Dark Horizon's web site this morning:
: "Indiana Jones 4: The Calgary Sun talked with Steven Spielberg's producing partner Kathleen Kennedy who had some disheartening news for those eager to see a fourth Indy film: "The truth is there has been a lot of discussion amongst all of us connected with the film but to be honest there is no script because there isn't even a writer in place. It sounds like a slam dunk to do another Indiana Jones but you have to get everyone available and committed and then you have to get a screenplay that excites everyone. In reality that could probably take years". Thanks to Moviehole"
: Ah well. I'd personally rather see them release the Trilogy on DVD than a 4th film anyway.
: - John