Posted by Austin Powers from on July 03, 2001 at 23:51:45:
In Reply to: Has Any one seen a show called Relic Hunter? posted by Salah on July 03, 2001 at 22:30:09: didn't really capture my fancy. Don't get me wrong, that Tia Carrere ain't too rough on the eyes, but for some reason she doesn't look so hot in this show. Plus her weak little English sidekick is somewhat annoying. The show'd be much better if he wasn't such a wuss.
To tell ya the truth I kinda like that 'Lost World' TV show a little better. Granted, the effects are cheesy, and the storylines aren't very deep, but there's plenty of action jammed into each episode, plus a couple pretty nice lookin' chicks. All in all it's a fun show, and the only syndicated one I can sit through. There's also no escapin' the fact that Indy's had an influence on a lot of the character traits.
Austin Powers