Posted by Indiana Dog from on July 06, 2001 at 14:41:20:
In Reply to: The new Indy 4 developments are not the same old song & dance. posted by Rundquist on July 06, 2001 at 13:21:03:
It's ALL about money. You can't tell me the folks over at Paramount haven't taken notice to the Indy-like movies that have been fillin' the pockets of other studios. 'The Mummy' 'Tomb Raider' and 'Atlantis' I won't go as far as to call them Indy rip-offs but they definately owe alot to the Indy movies. (Much like Jim Carey should sign over a small amount of his paycheck to Jerry Lewis) Besides, Lucas and Speilberg have to have enough of an ego to look at these summer blockbusters and think, "O.K. boys, let us get our schedules together and show/remind y'all how this is done."
I'm on the fence with Indy 4. Worried they'll put a kid or long lost brother in there and take away from INDY himself but I also have enough faith in the creators to know that whatever they decide will turn out great.
I do have my fingers crossed and say a little prayer to the Big Guy (who has to be an Indy fan himself. No movie could be as PERFECT as ROTLA without His help)