Posted by James from on July 06, 2001 at 16:24:04:
I agree with the earlier post that at least now we'll know SOMETHING about Indy 4- good or bad. These are not the same old rumours we've been hearing, and I believe Paramount's interest in Indy HAS been renewed by the success of recent Indy-inspired films. If they're going to do something about it, it has to be soon- 2005 is just too late to be doing it.
I was also surprised that the lost brother storyline is still in contention, then again, the source could just be citing all the scripts they have knowledge of.
Even more surprising is how uninspired the fans' imaginations are, judging by their fears/ideas of a plotline. Thank God Lucas and Spielberg aren't limited by what they read on the internet.
Why does every story idea have to be linked with Raiders in some way? Everyone's pointing out the time difference between Indy 4 and LC, but no one's taking it into consideration. Of course Indy has been up to stuff in between then and now. What if he's already found Atlantis? What if he can't prove it? What if he's no longer the cynic, but has seen his famous reputation discredited for being a quack in the interim? What if his daughter is of Atlantean descent? What if...?
Personally, I say to hell with the critics and with the fans- they should set the movie in whatever year they want. The general audience isn't going to know when LC was set, even if they do and Indy 4's good- they want care. The fan's certainly won't care- most hated Tomb Raider then went to see it again anyway.
I hope the film takes place in the 1945-47 range. Then again, if it was me, I'd set it in 1940 and email every site on the net with a hearty...