Posted by The Big Red from on July 07, 2001 at 17:07:38:
In Reply to: Reason I suspect Ford's apparent needs for Indy 4 are wrong.. posted by RBF1138 on July 06, 2001 at 21:19:14:
Does your name by any chance happen to stand for Reel Big Fish, the awesome So-Cal Ska band?
: Ok, after hearing Harrison Ford wants 25 mil plus a percentage of the films earnings to do another Indy, I decided the story's very likely bogus. While none of us personally know Ford, I think it's very likely he's a nice guy, not demanding and greedy. Now, this especially applies to who hed be working with on this film: Lucas and Speilberg. Lucas gave Ford his career; do you really think Ford would turn down a film being produced by someone he's probably friends with and owes a hell of a lot too? I doubt it. Then, the Speilberg side. Speilberg makes great films, and is also close to Harrison, and has worked with him on the other Indy films. Would Ford rea;lly demand such a high salary knowing he'd be working with some of Hollywood's best, and some of his past co-workers? I don't know, I just feel that the story that stated his demands is wrong. What do you all think? Maybe I'm being naive, and everyone in Hollywood _is_ that greedy. I hope this is not the case.