Posted by Dale Dassel from on July 19, 2001 at 01:37:18:
In Reply to: Dale Dassell's Star Wars Insider pic... posted by Dakota Ellison on July 19, 2001 at 01:29:29:
Thank you, Dakota. I would like to point out that I was thinking of everyone when I wrote my letter, and I gave the Indygear community their due credit. [I also gave the Insider the URL to Indygear, but it didn't make the final edit]. For those who are curious, here is the original letter that I sent, presented here in its entirety:
Dear Rebel Rumblings,
I have been a dedicated Indiana Jones fan ever since I can remember. I first experienced Raiders of the Lost Ark as a wide-eyed third-grader back in 1986. From the very first time that I saw Indy reclaim the golden idol and outrun the boulder in the Temple of the Warriors, I knew that he was the coolest person in the world. That was the turning point for me; I was forever an Indiana Jones fan. Due to the fact that I discovered Raiders long before someone turned me on to Star Wars, Indiana Jones became my favorite hero. [Fortunately, I was later introduced to Star Wars, and have since had the pleasure of enjoying adventures in that galaxy as well]
After reading your Empire Strikes Back twentieth anniversary issue last year, I knew that the Insider had to honor Raiders in the same way. I would expect nothing less from the official Lucasfilm magazine. I was thrilled to see the caption in the back of Insider # 53: NEXT ISSUE: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK 20th Anniversary Special. I'm happy to know that I wasn't digging in the wrong place! Finally, Indiana Jones fans can rejoice in the long-awaited arrival of the twentieth anniversary of the greatest movie in the world, and the tribute that the Insider will devote an entire issue to it.
I think that I speak for all Indiana Jones fans when I say that we have a few expectations about the next issue of the Insider: Harrison Ford MUST be on the cover; it has to be done. Second, for those of us who know nearly every detail of the making of this film, you should have some new insights and behind-the-scenes photos, as well as updates and interviews with the main production staff: stunt coordinator Glenn Randall, producer Frank Marshall, production designer Norman Reynolds, associate producer Robert Watts, and director of photography Douglas Slocombe. I have seen The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark so many times that I feel as if I were there with them at EMI Elstree Studios in 1980. Lastly, this would be a good time to discuss Raiders with Star Wars archaeologist David West Reynolds, and his trip to Tunisia in which he rediscovered the original filming sites. I am particularly interested in seeing how Kairouan looks nowadays.
Being a fan of Indiana Jones has taken me on a few adventures of my own. In 1995 I wrote a fan letter to Harrison Ford, which was rewarded by a phone call from the actor to thank me for being such a dedicated fan, as well as earning me an autographed Raiders of the Lost Ark poster, which has become one of my most treasured possessions. I also have the honor of corresponding with Indiana Jones author Rob MacGregor, who autographed my copy of Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils, and was kind enough to do an interview for my website [which can be read at]. Lastly, I have spent the past five years [and over $3000] compiling an authentic replica of Indy's outfit from the original suppliers in England and the United States. [see picture] I couldn’t have done it, though, without the help of many other dedicated Indiana Jones fans who have managed to track down all of the information pertaining to the Indiana Jones outfit, which can be found at
In closing, I would like to personally thank George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Harrison Ford, as well as a tremendously talented and dedicated team of filmmakers for creating the greatest movie in the world, and for allowing fans to take part in that adventure. For that we are forever indebted. And, of course, thanks are also due to the Star Wars Insider. Your fantastic magazine brings the world of Lucasfilm home to all of us, while making the adventure seem not so far away.
-Dale Dassel