Posted by Marhala Bartender from on August 06, 2001 at 11:14:28:
In Reply to: You're all mad! posted by Indy Coil on August 06, 2001 at 02:34:51:
I did go and rent the original Planet of the Apes a week before I went to see the new release. I found that the original was much better in terms of story, plot, and even acting! Which is hard to say with Heston in a film!
The new Planet of the Apes was mind-numbing. The story was rushed, unimaginative, and predictable. I know they couldn't stray too far from the original, otherwise it wouldn't be a remake, but I would have rather had them copy it exactly with just the better makeup than the crap they ended up putting in the theaters.
And like Austin, I am sooooo sick of all those thousand-person battle scenes. They are getting old.
The Barkeep.