Posted by Michaelson from on August 10, 2001 at 11:02:29:
In Reply to: My Second trip to Flightsuits posted by West on August 10, 2001 at 03:18:36:
I envy folks like you West, for having the opportunity to actually connecting with folks I've dealt with for a long time, but will probably not ever meet face to face. They're just voices on the phone, or words on my P.C. screen. Keep telling us your experiences. There are folks like me who just get up, go to work, then go home to do it all over again that love stuff like this. High regards. Michaelson
: Well, it's been some time since I've been to the Flightsuits showroom and the last visit almost feels like a lifetime ago. I've been through a car accident that almost killed me, spent months where it felt as if I couldn't depend on my own memory or mind, and made new friendships with some very nice people here on the forum.
: Minutes after myself and my friend Ben entered Flightsuits, Dave Marshall came in with a smile and a warm greeting and we soon went about talking "shop" and Indy gear (my obsession). He showed me several Expeditions in different leathers and I must say that my final choice of veg tanned seal brown goatskin didn't disappoint me when I saw it in jacket form right in front of me. Truly a site to see! After trying on several sizes we found that I would fit perfectly into a 42R expedition (which would save me $125 in custom sizing, which was money I would have happily spent to get a fantastic jacket. My girlfriend still thinks I'm crazy.) Dave called Lee and soon he arrived, a bit out of breath since he was kinda rushing, and a little after he walked and in said "hi" he looked at me and said that I looked to be a 42R alright and he told about his days at Harley Davidson and selling jackets there. He then asked about the whip holder of my choice and said that if I had given him more notice he could have brought in some whip holders and a fedora for me to see (Sorry Lee, next time I'll give you all the notice you need, my fault entirely (grin)) Then after some thought and some talk I decided to get my named placed on a name tag on the leather strip on the inside pocket (since this is MY jacket, and my girlfriend and other Indyfan friend are both planning to steal it from me. They'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands!)
: Before leaving El Cajon we stopped at the mall down the street from Flightsuits that was recommended to us by someone at flightsuits as a good place to find a bite to eat. I soon came to realize that I had been to this mall numerous times while growing up on my many trips to Julian and San Diego. I then realized that I had passed Flightsuits time and time again for many years but never had given it a second thought till recently. Ben and I had a good laugh at that and soon headed home, a couple of hundred dollars poorer but very happy about it.
: Thanks for sharing in this obsession,
: West