Posted by JuggleEwok from on August 10, 2001 at 16:48:40:
In Reply to: Why Lucas won't release Indy or Star Wars on DVD; a theory posted by Shawnkara on August 10, 2001 at 01:48:33:
DVD players give 600 lines of resolution, but projected onto the big screen where absolutely nothing can be lost, you get, what, 2000+ lines of resolution? So the clarity issue can't be it, if you ask me.
: This is just my theory. In watching 'Jurassic Park' I swear, with the exceptional clarity of DVD, that you can almost detect some of the digital shots in the film. This film is realativly new, made with the best possible technology. Now consider that SW is twenty three years old, 'Raiders' twenty. I've picked up a few older titles (Poltergeist, The Lost Boys, Evil Dead 2) and I've noticed that, despite the quality of DVD older films just don't 'clean up' to meet the quality of a newer film. Especially in the case of SW it's been inserted recently with new footage. This stands out on tape, I can imagine how the contrast would show on DVD. I don't see Lucas removing the scenes for the sake of visual continuity where the 'tell-all' clarity would be concerned. It's similar with Indy. Along with my DVD player I got a new VCR; JVC, 400 lines of resolution compared to the standard 250 of a VCR. I swear the Indy films, even the remastered copies, looked better with a lower resolution. A DVD player is about 600 lines of resolution. If the Indy films are remastered to the best of our technology's ability then maybe DVD transfers would only make them look worse. Again, this only my theory and my observations from watching newer films AND older films on DVD and 'Raiders' on this particular VCR. All the 'tech' info came from a friend of mine that edits for the local news station, so don't quote me on it.