Posted by Indiana Dan (The prince of LC) from on August 13, 2001 at 02:13:23:
I regret to inform you all that while I was away the virus that Indiana John passed out (not purposely) has hit my computer and has erased ALL OF MY E-MAIL including all of your e-mails with your names, address, and sizes. For everyone that is sending the money via paypal. Please e-mail me immediately at I need everyone that is on. I believe it is Indiana Jun, Dakota Ellison, Indiana Texas Girl, Lee Keppler, Sam Cox, and MANY MANY more. I am greatly sorry for what has happened. Unfortunately it is out of my control. But I am still in business. And the shirts will be made. Please e-mail me immediately. I could have each and everyone one of your shirts out by Monday if I receive every MO and paypal order by Thursday. Forgive me for the inconveniance. Best Regards. Indiana Dan (The prince of LC)