Posted by Doctor from on August 14, 2001 at 14:25:15:
In Reply to: Toughest Indy Jacket???? posted by J.C. on August 14, 2001 at 11:54:12:
Horsehide gets my vote for toughest leather followed closely by goat. As far as I know nobody is currently making an Indy jacket out of horsehide as the leather is heavy and tough to work with. It also has a tendency to be very shiny, so much so that you would swear it is vinyl from a distance.
If you are looking for a jacket that can take some punishment try Vanson leathers ( Many of the jackets they produce are designed to act as a barrier between you and the road should you take a spill off your ride. I can vouch for their products as being excellent in both the quality of leather and construction. They, unfortunately, do not offer anything that looks like an Indy jacket as worn by Ford. You might be able to find a jacket style similar to young Indy's mentor in the opening of the Last Crusade sequence.
Best Regards