Posted by Kevin from on November 24, 1998 at 22:48:49:
In Reply to: Re: How did Indy do in Boy Scouts? posted by IJFan on October 01, 1998 at 09:05:15:
: Rather poorly, I should think.
: I'm sure this will rattle a few cages, but my experience with the scouts when I was growing up was that it was their way, or the highway. Creative thinking was not encouraged (and by all indications, I was part of one of the more laid-back troops). I tended to want to do things my way (which was usually better than theirs, anyway) and this didn't go over too well. I have a feeling Indy would probably have tired of the whole afair after a very short time. You'll note the exasperated tone in which he mumbles "Everyone's lost but me", in a manner that implied this wasn't the first time he'd been frustrated by such problems. People who can, do. Those who can't, scout.
: Just my $0.02 worth...
: -IJFan
Well for all of you in the real world indy like his creater is and Eaglscout