Posted by Rundquist from on August 20, 2001 at 19:18:22:
Can anyone help me post some pics of Sergei's Lee Keppler LC
hat & Lee's whip? Usually MK does it for me, but he may be in
merry old England by now. Unfortunately, the hat pics are very
dark. They were taken in between two buildings. I lightened them
as best I could. The picture of me in my Keppler fedora on MK's
site should be referenced for color. These shots are only good
for seeing the shape of the hat (hopefully). Below is a review that
I posted earlier at Indygear.
Lee will bash the hat to look more like the Last Crusade style,
but he has not specifically gone after a felt for this style. The felt
he uses is specifically for the Raiders style. That is why he has
been reluctant to bash in a LC style. Now this being said, this hat
with the LC bash is fantastic. I believe it is the style that most
fans think of when they think "Indy Hat". When bashed in this
way, the hat takes on a more angled look. I have a theory that this
particular look is in our collective subconscious and is really
what most fans are trying to achieve. Now, that being said, his
"Raiders" bash with hat is still supreme. I have come to realize
that one of the reasons the Raiders style has been so hard to
emulate has been that the bash itself is really unique. I believe
that Lee Keppler is the first person to get it right. An other reason
would be that the bash of the hat changed throughout the movie,
as it had to be restyled after shipping from continent to continent.
The last reason for the "elusive" Raiders style is the movie itself.
Strangely enough, it doesn't really show the hat from "three
dimensional" angles ( I know, movies are 2D). I believe the
"making of" video showcases the hat much better. Well, my
opinion is ever changing. Half the fun of collecting Indy gear is
that something newer and better is always around the corner. At
least it keeps you on your toes. Cheers