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Posted by Rundquist from adsl-63-201-187-189.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net ( on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 12:56pm :
In Reply to: why the attacks REALLY took place posted by pasadena jones from ? ( on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 9:21am :
By their standards, we're a bunch of cowards. They bomb our embassies and sink our ships and we do nothing (moving on?). Give me a break. Israel gets a lot of criticism for dealing with these people with force but remember, the Israelis are Arabic too. They understand how the opposition thinks. They understand that force is the only thing these people understand. The Islamic leaders may train the young to sacrifice themselves for the greater cause of almighty Allah, but when the fighting gets close to them and their own families are threatened, they chill the hell out. Anybody remember the bombing of Libya and the effect it had on Muammar Qaddafi?
: Listen man, all you people have a very bad misconception about the
: attacks in new york and washington .It is a very very very terrible
: thing that happened .These terrorists attacked the US because of the
: american foreign policy in the middle east. The united states have
: turned a blind eye to the palestinian killings that occur nearly
: everyday by the isreali forces.In such a state of hopelessnes ,in
: which the most powerful country in the world did not seem to care
: about the palestinians being killed, caused such hatred towards America.THAT is why you saw that palestinians rejoicing on cnn .Now
: by writing this i am not being anti-american because belive me i love america its a country that every country in world aspires to be like,
: but you have to see both sides of it ,and not think from an american perspective but also from a palestinian perspective.Think for yourselves why they did this and how America can try to ratify the situation and not nuke the hell out of the so called "towel heads" first and ask questions later. I just hope that the American people can move on with their lives and learn from the past.
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