Posted by INDIANA GJR from on December 02, 1998 at 09:20:32:
Hey forum,
I try to sit back and enjoy all of the forums discussions about whos who and whats what , but there is somthing that troubles me.. Its fun to ponder the many possibilities of Indy 4, but i think we get way ahead of ourselves when we discuss who will play the next Indiana Jones. This is just an opinion and im not trying to step on anyones shoes so please do not take this the wrong way. Anything involving Indy interests me. Its just a little funny how we are not 100% positive Indy 4 is even coming out! Maybe 99%, but that again is just my opinion. Where im trying to get at is not to tell you guys to stop posting , but just to try to keep this in mind. LETS JUST GET INDY 4 MADE AND MADE WELL! See ya around,