Posted by Micah from ( on Monday, September 17, 2001 at 10:24pm :
Some of you seem to think you are victims while taking every possible potshot and dedicating a board for insults too obscene to last on this board. I have tried to allow everyone to participate, but the hatred behind your words are too great and does not seem to diminish with admonitions or time. The only way I see to deal with it is to disallow your posts. Continue your discussion on your board and leave us alone. You seem to have in your mind that the battle is pro-gear vs. anti-gear, but this new forum has been very gear-light and yet you are still angry and determined to stir trouble. The true line of division I see is those who like to pick fights vs. those who wish to conduct a civil discussion (but can sometimes be just as argumentative when provoked). If you behave as if you are in the former group (the picking fights one...) I will ban you from posting.
I beg everyone (who has not been banned) to return to Indiana Jones as the subject matter.
P.S. I will consider future links to the Great NIM Rebellion as a reason to ban you. They have stolen my graphics and some clicking the links don't notice that Indyfan is not the source and could get the idea that I support that trash.
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