Posted by graml from ( on Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 7:56pm :
In Reply to: RE: The Holy Grail and the Grail Knight posted by Crusader from ? ( on Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 5:41pm :
You've probably already consulted a handy-dandy copy of this work, as it is easily obtainable and one of the great references on myths and legends. The section on the Arthurian/Grail legend is pretty interesting.
I don't recall ever running into the legend of the Four Brothers (don't they make pasta sauce?) during my mythology-studying days, and always assumed the screenwriters took a little bit of literary license when creating them. I assumed that they were Crusaders who had come across the Grail innocently (is there any other way to come across the Grail?) during their adventures, and decided amongst themselves to protect the Grail with their lives.
So basically, I answered none of your questions. It's good to be back.
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