Re:Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis co-starring Sam & Max.

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Posted by Dale Dassel from on February 13, 1998 at 12:18:31:

In Reply to: Re:Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis co-starring Sam & Max. posted by Young Mr. Don't Call Me Junior! Jones on February 13, 1998 at 12:08:01:

: I'm sure many of us have played this fine example of an Indy game from Lucasarts. It's graphics are exceptional, and the story is worthy of a movie, in my opinion. But that's not what I am posting this message about, I was wondering if anyone else noticed the cameo appearances of Sam & Max in both Indy3, and 4. In Indy3:The Last Crusade, he has a totem pole in his office, which is of Max sitting on Sam's head. And in Indy4:Fate of Atlantis, he makes a shadow puppet which looks exactly like Max's head, and jokingly remarks
: "And here's Nur-Ab-Sal" (Sophia Hapgood's Atlantean spirit guide)
: Just an observation by an indy fan with to much time on his hands.

: Ciao,

: ==Young Mr. "Don't Call Me Junior!" Jones

Yes, I did notice. But did you notice a few Indy jokes in
Sam & Max Hit the Road? One is where they are at the celebrity
vegetable farm. Sam looks at a box of mushrooms and remarks:
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Shrooms." To which Max says,
"It is a stunning likeness." Then Sam quips,
"I can't believe Harrison actually agreed to this."

Then, when the duo are trying to steal Conroy Bumpus'
toupee, Sam switches the mannequin head with a Conroy Bumpus
eggplant head likeness in classic Raiders fashion, wearing a
leather jacket and fedora. Then the pedestal sinks and suction
cup darts shoot out of the wall at him!!! Isn't LucasArts the


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