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Posted by ~The Raider~ from ppp-ip235-s04.inetnorth.net on December 14, 1998 at 08:24:04:
In Reply to: What has Indy taught you about life? posted by Indiana Jerico on December 14, 1998 at 04:31:22:
: I've religiously followed Indy and his adventures ever since he entered that temple ruin in Raiders. Initially, it was just common curiosity (and the fact that I was just a kid then, and was attracted to ALL adventure films. Yes, including copycats such as King Solomon's Mines and Romancing the Stone). As I took a closer look, however, I learned to separate the diamond from the glass imitators. Books followed, and I begun to see Indy in a new light. In fact, in my humble opinion, the books do a more detailed look on Indy's character than the movies (but when it comes to action and pacing, the movies rule). From those, I've learned some basic life lessons from professor Henry Jones, Jr.
: I've learned to be myself, and it doesn't matter what other people think of me, just as long as I know that what I was doing is right. His quick thinking and presence of mind also influenced me a great deal, and it's not just with keeping up with wisecracks, although I have to admit that I'm practicing that talent. Indy also taught me to see through peoples' skins, and judge them not by how they speak but by what morals they stood and by how they think. And ever the gentleman, I strived hard to be like Indy --- always the ladies' man, in a roguish sort of way.
: I could go on and on. But it would take forever. What about you? What have you learned from our professor?
: Till then.
: ---Indiana Jerico
I'd say that pretty much all I learned from Indy was to take things as they come, and if a problem arises, think of something. Chances are things are hardly going to go the way you plan; there are jsut to many rendom elements. I'm not saying don't plan, I'm just saying prepare to make one up to match the situation.
Aside from that, I've learned pretty much to be roguish in my attitude towards life. Take things easier; you only live once, right? You see a girl you think you'll like, go after her. If nothing will happen, nothing'll happen. You see something you want, try and get it. Chances are, it'll come to you, sometimes in ways you might never have planned (be they as a Christmas/birthday gift you've never dreamed you'd recieve, or while hanging on the back of a truck fighting off highly trained military soldiers while firguring out how to favour the hole in your arm, it'll come).
Indy is what every man would want to be in one form or another. Sure, he's not entirely ethical. Who IS? As ethical as some may be, look into their lives. I'm sure you'll find some form of "sin" in their life.
Above all else, like you've said, don't be afraid to be yourself. You can't lose with an attitude like that.
Plus, he's taught me some pretty cool stunts that impress my friends. Or scare them to death. I mean, who else here is guilty of jumping onto a moving truck and terrorizing the driver after putting up with potholes and sideways movements while hanging on to the side with a very small, slippery running board? And those whip stunts...(ok, I'm exaggerating a bit here, but I have pulled a few truck stunts just for the hell of it...I'm a bit crazy, alright?)
~The Raider