Posted by KyleS from ? ( on Monday, December 17, 2001 at 12:14pm :
In Reply to: OK, I have a gripe.... posted by Shawnkara from ( on Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 1:54am :
"Or is it just a case of Speilberg being so mythically popular that he's even given credit for work he did not do? This was certainly the case with Lucas and 'Raiders'."
George Lucas created the character of Indiana Jones. He created the stories for all the films. He was even the Executive Producer on all the films. And Lucas does not take a back seat position as an Exec.Prod. He "directs" and oversees almost as much as the Director does. (You can actually see him giving Spielberg advice in the making of video.) Lucas also tends to direct several Second Unit sets as well as oversee the Editing process. RotLA and the other Indy films were George Lucas' films with Spielberg being a hired hand. I'm not saying that Spielberg didn't contribute anything. Of course he did! He brought his great visual style to the table. But Lucas tends to get shorted on the credit for his contributions. Especially now a days when it's the current fad to slam GL.
My two pennies.
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