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Posted by Fedora from ? ( on Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 3:12pm :
In Reply to: Oh well... posted by Fall Guy from pool0145.cvx21-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 10:48pm :
: : : : : : ...I have only seen TOD all the way through once and that was at the theatre in '84. I can't stand Kate, Shorty and the less than great script. The only thing I remember that was supernatural was some rocks getting hot. I sure don't remember anything involving a deity. Am I forgetting something?
: : : : : Don't you remember the open-heart surgery? Who needs a heart to live? How about the Voodoo doll? There is whole bunch of supernatural hocus-pocus in ToD.
: : : : : As for complaining about the less than great script, at least ToD is not just a remake of Raiders like Last Crusade. ToD is closer to the old serials than either Raiders or LC.
: : : : : :
: : : : : : As for him being "open to all kinds of possibilities", that sounds very nice and reasonable. I learned the law of gravity a long time ago. I have experienced it and know it to be true. Although I am an open-minded person, I will be very skeptical and it will take extremely compelling evidence to get me to believe the contrary.
: : : : : Actually, the official name is "Newton's law of gravitation". Let me state it, in case you meant something else:
: : : : : The force of gravity between two bodies of matter depends on their mass and the square of the distance between them.
: : : : : You have experienced this? Well, I didn't know you'd been off this planet! What I think you meant is that you have experienced weight. That's just the force of gravity acting on a body of matter, and as far as your experience goes, it's purely empirical.
: : : : : And why are we debating gravity?
: : : : :
: : : : : : Our good fictional friend Dr. Jones experienced the hand of God in person. This same God says he is the one true God and that all others are false. Between the ark and the grail, it would seem reasonable that Indy's life would have been changed by those events. He sure wouldn't make snide remarks like he did to Brody "I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus pocus. I'm going after a find of incredible historical significance, you're talking about the boogie man."
: : : : : I don't think Jones was sure what he had experienced. Observation alone (empiricism again) is not enough for a scientist to come to a conclusion.
: : : : :
: : : : : : As for showing you a religion that is not man-made. Feel free to e-mail me. Talking about Indy's motivation is one thing. If we are going to jump that far off the track we shouldnft do it here.
: : : : : Thanks for the generous invite, but I politely decline.
: : : : : FG
: : : : : PS: About that crazy fantasy ending of Raiders: maybe everything after going to sleep on the Bantu Wind really WAS Indy's dream (Who came up with that - 3k$?). Or heat stroke made Indy see things. ;)
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: : : : ...and you knew damn well what he was referring to in his comment on gravity. That all religion is man-made doesn't give it less credence. In one sense, reality is man-made. There's not much out there without an instrument to experience "IT". Everything that you hold to be true, even pure science begins with an assumption. Our understanding of ourselves, and the universe, started out with one hell of a big assumption. The plain fact of the matter is that both religion and science is not firmly rooted in concrete. No, its more like a house built of cards. In order to maintain our sanity, and create order, we ignore the assumption factor. If we all say it is so, does that make it so? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Fedora
: : : And I don't disagree with you on on this partciular post of yours here.
: : : FG
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: : ...I don't believe it! :) When I read my post, my conjugation made me shudder. At least at IG, you can correct spelling and grammar after you post. Helps out the illiterate folks like myself. Fedora
: My typos make me shudder, too. Anyway, I'm sure we'll easily find another bone to pick. ;)
: FG
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...as you don't know the of the pleasure that I derive from our cyber confrontations. I will try and keep it clean, and try to make it Indy related, unless Micah lowers the sledgehammer again. In the end, I think we are verrry much alike. More than you would care to acknowledge.(That ought to get you on the soapbox!) regards, Fedora
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