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Posted by Groo from on December 24, 1998 at 04:31:25:

Is it just me or does the whole "THAT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!!" thing really get on anyone elses' nerves? And when I hear all you Indy-Aficionados quote it, it sounds even more ignorant. It really seemed out of character for Indy to say something like that in Crusade considering what he had displayed in the last two films. For example, in Temple:'you could have kept it.' 'Ah, what for it would just be another rock collecting dust." To say nothing about what he was going to do with the diamond from Lao. I can already hear you thinking, 'Indy is a changed character by the time Crusade is based in 1938'. That my friends is a crock, especially in the whole opening sequence when he is already Mr. Polly-Pure-Heart as an adolescent in 1912. IMHO I believe Lucas merely inserted the young Indy to see if a series would have an audience base. It is very discouraging when creators change the philosophy of a charater mid-stream. If they do ever get their heads out of you-know-where and make Indy IV, I only hope they get back to the original formula of Raiders and Temple.
Hoping Indy IV is more than a Pipe-Dream Regards,

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