Posted by Fall Guy from ( on Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 9:41pm :
In Reply to: I think her dad must have been one of the Army Intel guys posted by Inby from ( on Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 6:56pm :
Or the other guy? The one with the mysterious big white spot on his hair?
PS: I know the classified location! ;)
: He didn't want his daughter messing around with the teach, so he arranged for Indy to go after the Ark, figuring he wouldn't make it back. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is simply a side-story to the main tale of this schism in a father-daughter relationship.
: PS, hey, what's this about some Indyfan/Nim summit in May?
: : And her boyfriend knew about her and Indy. That's why he slammed that apple on Jones's desk!
: : FG
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