Posted by Operator Jake from ( on Friday, April 26, 2002 at 5:25pm :
In Reply to: You're opening a morass of moral and ethical enigmas here, you realize posted by Inby from ( on Friday, April 26, 2002 at 3:56pm :
I would be hard-pressed to pick just one from this given list. Toht, Vogel--sadists who should be hundred-mile-an-hour taped to the floor and forced to watch "Comedy Central" all day. Elsa and Donovan--a couple of two-faced individuals flying under false colors and driven by their own greed. Mola Ram--the thought of children producing Nikes and the inventory of the GAP in brutality is bad enough for me, and this cat took the concept to a ridiculous extreme. Pat Roach characters, who basically represent your average high school bully to me; the kind who motivate a boy to log those long hours in the weightroom or the neighborhood dojo in his budding years. (To this day, I still cheer "Yes. Yeah! YEAH! YEAH!!" when Indy gives the German mechanic those four good haymakers in a row.)
But Inby, your little post reminded me of the villian who truly epitomizes the concept of evil to me; the man I see when I'm in Dreamland.
He is basically a party-game psychologist; the one who thinks that he can deduce everything about people that he has never met before based on a few things that he may have learned about you. The one who will hurt or kill innocents, corrupt the whole system to satisfy his whims, and (most annoyingly), cause you to question your worth as one of the "good guys" by babbling to you in shrink terms or Latin, if you let him get to you.
"What is 'evil?' How do you justify your pursuing me?"
You're a bastard, and I'm going to stop you. It's not complicated, you think.
"But perhaps I am right and you are wrong? Perhaps we are not so different?" (Ugh, Belloq.........)
Naturally, he is always just out of reach. For all of his bravado and swagger, he's a coward.
I guess that most of the inspiration for this guy comes from Hannibal Lector (I paid to see the sequel, in hopes that he would eat a bullet at the end, and was disappointed). This murdering, cannibalizing know-it-all that the audience CHEERS for. That always drove me up the wall more than anything else.
Or, the villian from 'Die Hard' (his name escapes me); who taunted Bruce Willis' character by telling him over a walkie-talkie that he was probably just another stupid American who has seen too many movies as a boy, and thought that he was John Wayne, or Rambo.
("Always partial to Indy Jones, myself.")
Sort of like when the False Llama was interrogating Indy in "Dino Eggs," for those of us geeky enough to have read that one.
Still, the world has enough real bad guys for us to focas our sights on, so my personal manifestation of villiany isn't going to eat me up alive anyday soon.
For those of you who have bothered to read this dreck written in the heat of whatever it was, thanks for putting up with this kid again.
And Inby, I would be perfectly happy if a sixty-year old Dr. Jones takes on the Living Dead for Indy 4. I still can't get over you meeting "Chilly Billy."
Whip the brain, and you whip the ghoul.
Let's be careful out there.
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