Posted by Fedora from ? ( on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 8:24am :
In Reply to: De-Aging Harry posted by James from ( on Monday, May 20, 2002 at 11:32pm :
: Actually, I think the kind of CGI you're talking about would possibly backlash against the film. I think a lot of the older fans (I'm talking about the 50/60+ crowd here- not just the twentysomethings that can remember back to `81!) might feel slighted to see Ford trying to apologize for being older.
: Besides, there's something very intriguing about getting to see an older Indiana Jones on one great last adventure. Why cheat the audience out of that just to try and end the series with Ford looking like he did in Raiders?
....and hit the nail on the head. As many know, numerous adventurers have not been spring chickens. I know this goes against common thought of putting "youth" on a pedistal. (sp?) Well, youth is wasted on the young, and Indy should be shown as getting older while still having a bit of fire left in the constitution. Plus, I think it would do alot of older folks good, and perhaps make a positive statement regarding getting older. Personally, I am tired of pimple faced kids hogging the limelight. regards, Fedora
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