Re: Indy IV article in UK Newspaper - News?

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Posted by James from ( on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:21pm :

In Reply to: Indy IV article in UK Newspaper - News? posted by bamindy from ( on Friday, June 21, 2002 at 8:31am :

I think this is someone's attempt at a joke, and not just because most Indyfans are recoiling in horror at the thought.

For one thing, Ford has too much respect for Spielberg and Lucas (as well as the Indy films) to even need a reason to do Indy 4- let alone to start dictating shallow, personal demands like this one.

It also doesn't makes sense considering they've been seriously intending to make the film for about 4 years (according to Spielberg), whereas Ford has only recently become serious about Flockhart. So, to say that Flockhart was the creative spark that set the film into motion is a bit hard to believe.

And, considering how audiences didn't connect with Ford teamed up with a similar (bickering) damsel in distress (Six Days, Seven Nights), I doubt they'd be fooled into thinking we'd wanna see Indy go through it also.

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