Re: Pat Roach in "Crusade"

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Posted by John Costello from on December 31, 1998 at 08:29:12:

In Reply to: Re: Pat Roach in "Crusade" posted by Jay on January 13, 1998 at 21:43:10:

: I think he might be the Gestapo who gets squished by the tank when
: it's in the desert. That way he would have died a terrible death in
: all three films. I can't really get a good look at him though - and
: they do a good job with make up nowadays!

: No, he's not that actor. Roach has a very minor part in Crusade;He appears in the scene where the Zeppelin is aboout to depart from Berlin, where he is seen by Indy from above approaching with the fellow who will fall to his death in the tank. In the novelization, his character is suckerpunched by Indy on board the air craft and locked in a closet.

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