Posted by Brett Maverick Lambert from ( on Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 2:46pm :
In Reply to: Donovan, et al..... posted by Jimmie from ( on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 6:22pm :
Are you referring to "The Brotherhood of the Wolf"? I saw that in theatres. It rocked my f#cking socks off. ;)
: As I said in my earlier post, I was on the fence about these, but I now have MY order in for a set as well. I wanted to point out a few things to your detractors....
: Check out the BERNE CONVENTION. And you may want to clarify your definition of OFFICIAL. Official in one country doesn't quite mean official elsewhere...this could lead a person to believe dvd's such as these are boots, when in fact they are not.
: And Ebay's policies are very clear as to the sale of Illegal materials. Some slip through the cracks, but let me tell ya - and this is from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - that there are many many people employed as INTERNET PIRACY SPECIALISTS', who do nothing all day but police this sort of thing, and they are FAR better informed than just about anyone here.
: Also, I'd like to point out that copyright laws in the US allow for the copying of television/movies etc as long as you're not taking a profit from it ....I.E. FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE. It breaks down to the effect that, if I copy, say, the Phantom Menace from my dvd to video, as a back-up, then I break no rule. If I loan it to you, I am breaking a barely enforced law (can't remember the name right off) governed by copyright law. If I sell it you - then I am committing a felony...a federal one, at that.
: These dvd's could very well BE official - IN CHINA. As you stated earlier, does that make them illegal here? NOPE. There is NOT A SINGLE THING WRONG with importing dvd's that aren't released in an official capacity here. I try to support such practice whenever possible. Without this ability, I would NEVER have been able to see such fantastic films as the French THE PACT OF THE WOLF, or the BRILLIANT Japanese film UZUMAKI, barring a trip to the respective countries. The studios may not like it - and some have even gone to great lengths to stop importation of foreign dvd's (I refer you to Disney's recent crackdown on the importation of the Frenetically cool SHAOLIN SOCCER by LEGITIMATE dvd businesses), which is the main reason for region coding, copy-protect, etc.
: I have imported far more foreign dvd's than I'd care to say, and sometimes I have paid pretty steep customs fees as a result. However, I still have never broken any law. Nor did the folks who sold them to me.
: Many, MANY foreign dvds have better extras, packaging...even better PICTURE quality than domestic releases - IF some of them ever SEE a domestic release (NUDGENUDGE, LUCA$). Your example of Television Series released in other countries is great. These sorts of things are imported all of the time, with ZERO LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS. Why?
: Because they were OFFICIAL in their respective country.
: Now, I want to come back to the definition of Official....I am in the process of checking as to whether there really COULD HAVE BEEN an official release in Hong Kong. None of us truly know, unless we work for The Mighty Jabb, uh, Luca$ ^^; If they truly ARE official, in HONG KONG, then Luca$ has lost nothing, as somebody paid for the rights to produce them. There are far too many films to list here that have recieved this similar treatment overseas, for one reason or another, that have not, maybe will not, been/be released here. If I want to see it, I will buy it. No matter where it's from.
: Sorry this is so protracted, but no one else was bringing these points up...well, not all of them anyway.
: Viva le boots!!
: Jimmie
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