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Posted by Fall Guy from pool0428.cvx22-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 1:14pm :
In Reply to: Just a couple of things.............. posted by Operator Jake from cache1.gordon.army.mil ( on Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 11:45am :
Of course that era makes for an entertaing background for fiction. Like you said, you're interested in the pirate era. Fine. But people have said they'd rather live before the '50s than after, and that's why I keep asking my question: WHY?
Here are some things that make me wonder why anybody would prefer to live back then:
-There were laws on the books in California that you couldn't sell property to Jews.
-Blacks were kept separate but no where near equal.
-Women "knew their place."
-Political dissidents had a bad habit of disappearing (i.e. S&V).
-Mentally retarded people were sterilized in a little publicized eugenics campaign waged by the United States government.
-Chinese and Japanese immigrants often had fewer civil rights than even Irish and Italian immigrants.
-Self aggrandizing moralists (a definite minority in the American public despite what they'd have you believe) managed to force the government to ban the manufacture and shipping of alcohol.
I've never read the Indy novels (I tried one and I found it to be plain awful), and if I had read them, then I'd still not know why people here love that era so much. I'd know why the writer loved it, though.
I understand the point of having a great enemy, the Nazis, available. That sure makes for good entertainment, but again, it's a negative thing. It's not a positive thing that makes me say "I'd love to live in the late '30s!" As for the "can-do attitude", isn't that something that quickly, after the first big bloodbath, turns into a more sober "must-do" attitude? If I misread your sentence, I apologize.
That "blissful ignorance" comment I made a few months back really got you. Don't let it bother you, it was just to get your attention (Which it obviously did, n'est pas?).
About being accused of "not being civil":
Without going into semantics and the origin of the word "civil", "civil rights" are not rights that require one to be polite. Civil rights are the rights given to citizens (Don't have to be polite to be a citizen!) of the U.S.A. by the 13th and 14 the amendments to the constitution, passed by Congress in 1870 and 1875. Civil rights guarantee all citizen equal opportunities for employment, schooling, housing, and voting, regardless of , race, sex, religion, or national origin. I thought YOU knew that. ;)
If I can be frank and abrasive at times, so be it. It's better than being sanctimonious (I'm not accusing you). And I believe that is the one thing I and Fedora have in common. Learn to live with it. ;)
PS: Knowing Fedora, I know he has a beef with civil rights. :p
: There's only so much emotion that one can deduce from typed word (case in point, your asking the reader to take note of intended sarcasm). As such, I really wasn't getting any sort of vibe that told me Fedora has a problem with civil rights, or any of the other things mentioned above.
: And I, for one, am interested in the "golden age" of piracy (circa 1680-1730, give or take), although I can't honestly say that I was there for the festivities, either.
: The era of Indy that we were presented with was described in the novels as being "a time when dreams could still come true," (which I feel sounds like a lot of self-defeating crap, but hey--whatever works for the author), but I also believe that the thirties gave us a real evil force that the audience of the movies could get behind and hate right away. Nazis, fascists; all those guys with their "can-do" attitude.
: Maybe I am every bit as "blissfully ignorant" as some folks might say, but it seemed as though you took a fairly innocent post on a decent topic and turned into an attack on someone else. Yes, I took your advice and looked up the history of this place. I see where you were coming from before, and that you and a few other people here have real problems with the other. But why not just let it go a little bit now?
: When you mentioned civil rights, it's a little funny how UNcivil you can be at times........
: Let's be careful out there.
: PS--as for the Klan in the thirties, those happy good-ole boys were at their hey-day in the twenties, when membership in the club was at an all time high. They sort of dispersed again with the Depression, but came back in full swing pretty much right after WWII (as Brett and I discussed awhile back).
: PPS--Contrary to what poor Lilo was telling her blue dog, I hear tell that Elvis was hardly a "model citizen" off stage.......
: PPPS--I'd say that any healthy male who can't appreciate young ladies on roller skates in short skirts bringing you your chow needs a time-out...........
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