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Posted by MK from adsl-63-194-18-73.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net ( on Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 5:08pm :
In Reply to: Re: Flippant words BEFORE he encountered the Ark.....and God. (nm) posted by Jimmie from evrtwa1-ar8-4-65-016-050.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net ( on Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 2:30pm :
: Hey MK....
: Good point.....
: But what about the - dum dumdumdum - ToD? If that story took place BEFORE Raiders, I think Indy's "flippant remarks" suddenly resonate as "Aw man, not ANOTHER one...?!?" sort of feeling. Perhaps his ideals HAD changed a bit by the end of that adventure, but then we get to LC, and I'm not so sure. He may be a bit more...uh...GROWN, so to speak, but it's not UNTIL he has to make a choice about his belief system TO SAVE HIS FATHER that he DECIDES to turn to the dar...er...become a believer (Just ribbin ya!). What if his father *HADN'T* been shot? Would he STILL have made the Leap of Faith (both figuratively and literaly)?
: And let me run one more by ya...what if the crack about "magic, alot of superstitious hocus-pocus" WASN'T about religion per se? I mean, if *I* had survived nearly having my heart ripped out by some raving loony in the backwater of the world in appeasance (is that a word?) to his freakish deity, then I'd be pretty reluctant to hear ANYTHING about ANY sort of "otherwordly" power/magic/whatever that, in all honesty, deals strictly with an abstract notion of a "higher Power".
: Oh, and before you take offense, let me say that I am not, in ANY way, belittling your beliefs, ok?
: Thanks for reading,
: Later pal,
: Jimmie
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