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Posted by KyleS from ( on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 1:45pm :

In Reply to: Can you read or do you just chose not to posted by Indiana Dog from ? ( on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 6:00pm :

: Man! Talk about gettin' bent out of shape.
: None of the movies you mentioned RELY - key word RELY (go to and see what that means) on SFX. King Kong is one of the best movies ever made because of it's human story and characters that you can identify with. The ugly duckling, loving something that you can never have . . . all that. Star Wars was great because it was a retelling of Hamlet. (No new info there I know) But that's where the characters had depth and special effects ADD to the story. The prequals - the sfx ARE the story. So before you rattle off with your examples - read the post your replying to and have an idea of what your talking about please. Isn't it a little more fun to leave SOMETHING to the imagination. Hitchcock sure thought so. M. Night sure does. "ROLA must not be a good movie because Nazis weren't really killed by the power of God?" Where'd that come from. Did I ever say I had a problem with anything like that? Suspending belief and SFX are two entirely different things. And are you really comparing Casablanca with SW? In special effects? Wow! Have you seen Casablanca? There's a little bit more goin' on than sets. When it's there to add to the story, I say go for it. When it's there to cover up lack of story and acting. That's when I don't like it. Do you think 'Signs' was about aliens attacking earth?
: As I said before this is my opinion. I don't knock other opinions and think it's sad that people get so worked up over others when it doesn't merge with their own. And don't tell me you didn't or else you wouldn't have come up with examples of other movies that have NOTHING to do with my post.

It had EVERYTHING to do with your post you friggin' hypocrite. No, hypocrite is the wrong term because you're too stupid to understand that you're being hypocritical. I think fool suits you better. It's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to story telling in general. If you can't understand the meaning behind any of my examples of SFX in relation to the art of telling their respective stories then I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain them. Yes, CASABLANCA and STAR WARS are two completely different films. But if you can't see how the film makers use SFX in a similar fashion to convey time, setting, mood and detail then you're blinded by nostalgia or ignorance or both.

I'm not attacking your opinions. I couldn't care less if you don't like a film for what ever reason. I'm attacking your lack of perspective. Get it right.


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