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Posted by Michaelson from em12-686.utsi.edu on January 08, 1999 at 08:50:18:
In Reply to: Re: Diary Advice Needed posted by Dale Dassel on January 07, 1999 at 19:35:33:
: : : First of all, I would like to thank you two in responding to my post. Does Indy Magnoli still sell the diary books? Or should I just search the used book stores and such to find a suitable book? To Michaelson, I have, in the past, volunteered my services to the local Fort Michilimackinac and helped in their archaeological (sp?) department. It was fascinating looking back into the past and finding out what these people's lives were like. About what type of diary to make, I still do not know. I really enjoy the Discovery Channel programs about the Egyptian tombs, and the underwater archeology is great. The sunken ships from the days of the pirates. And even the lost treasure hords of the pirates is fascinating. I also really enjoy the times of King Arthur and all of the Arthurain Legends of Merlin, Excalibur, and the quests for the Holy Grail. Greek Mythology is very interesting. The writings of Homer about Odyssesus and his voyages back fromt he Trojan War. The lost continent of Atlantis and even
: : : some darker form of archeology, the Necronomicon Ex Mortis, the book of the . Bound in human flesh and inked in . All this fascinates me. Choosing just one out of all of these interesting topics is a challenge in itself. Do you know of any lost famous pirate treasures that have been searched for, but never found? Or any lost cities such as the city of Zinj? I really don't know what to do this on.
: : As you've stated above, you have exactly the same problem I've experienced, and I am a bit jealous of Dale and ArkRaiderr who have narrowed their interests to their chosen topic. I guess the my curiousity can run a little morbid, as the tombs and the cities of the as found under Paris are a fascinating subject to me. As to my archeological finds, I personally dress like a great Indiana Jones type, but work better as a Sallah (the best digger). I could stand chest deep in artifacts and only find rusty cans. I can move dirt with the best of them, though! Back to the subject at hand....I would list what you've written above as your interests, and by each topic put down pros and cons as to your level of interest, and questions you could ask to dig after. After you do this a couple of times, see which one stands out. That should be the area you could start with. Start at your local library and start the search. One thing can lead to another, and who knows, you may come up with an entirely different area than where you started. That's how doctorial thesis' are written! Have fun. Oh, I got my book from Barnes and Noble....leather bound and the correct size to boot. Regards. Michaelson
: Jealous? Don't be. I have been a believer in Atlantis since
: I was about seven years old. But it was playing the
: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis which set me off on
: one of my "must have" quests for a diary. I just figured: if
: you can't find a diary- make one. And what better way to
: personalize it than make it about a subject that's near and
: dear to me- Atlantis. :)
: -Dale
: P.S.- Michaelson, Mr. Botwright mailed off the Leather Groom
: on December 23. Still waiting...
Interesting stuff. Takes some getting used to, but does a great job. Regards. Michaelson