Posted by graml from on January 08, 1999 at 10:19:00:
Greetings fellow Indy followers,
I was out of the country during my extended Christmas break, and
was unable to reach a computer. One of the hazards of travelling.
But it's nice to see everyone's comments again. I never realized how
much I would miss the paternal guidance of Michaelson, or the
smart-aleky comments of Groo, or the occasional nutcase who
mistakenly believes that this is the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" site.
I just wanted to announce my return. I don't say much, but I read
every post. By the way, I got the Indiana Jones Trilogy set of videos
for Christmas, and there's a misprint on the box for Temple. They call
the Sankara stones the Ankara stones. Whadda bunch of goobers!