Posted by Operator Jake from ( on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 3:19am :
.....and couldn't resist the urge to put a few minds at ease on that one.
Indy as Saddam Hussein's father? No.
Minus all of the many titles for the many hats Hussein wears (he declared himself Mushiir, the head of the Iraqi Military and skipping all those boring ranks that came before it), his full name is Saddam Hussein Al-Tikriti.
Tikrit is a little burgh about 40 clicks (if I remember right) from Baghdad, and is Hussein's hometown. His biological father was killed shortly before or shortly after his birth (forget which for sure, although my money is on the latter), and was dubbed "the Stubborn One" when his mother reportedly tried to abort him through strenuous labor.
Hussein was raised by his rather despicable uncle, and the boy killed his first man at the ripe old age of thirteen by putting a bullet in their back.
He got off to an early start at being a coward, I suppose.
As much as I could go on with details about one of our favorite folks in this day and age, the point is that there was probably not long enough a lay-over in Baghdad for the road trip and whatnot, and Marion might have had issues with Indy romancing a random Iraqi woman.
Heck, not just issues--she would have had subscriptions.....
Anyway, for anyone here who may remember me and/or care, Jake is doing well, and still doing the very best that he can.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Let's be careful out there.
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