Posted by Goodsport from ( on Monday, January 20, 2003 at 4:13pm :
      Since both of these Indiana Jones roleplaying games have long been out of print...
The Adventures of Indiana Jones (TSR - 1984)
The World of Indiana Jones (West End Games - 1994)
      ... there has been precious little out there in terms of pulp adventure roleplaying games.
      However, not all hope is lost - there are some currently out there that, while not having the Indiana Jones brand, still evoke the spirit of pulp adventure that is Indiana Jones.
      The two that I'm currently aware of are:
Adventure! (White Wolf Publishing - 2001)
GURPS Cliffhangers, Second Edition (Steve Jackson Games - 2002)*
      Has anyone else here played these games? And what other pulp adventure RPG's are out there?
* GURPS Cliffhangers, First Edition (also by Steve Jackson Games) was released in 1989, but has long since been out of print.
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