Posted by Azuam from on January 20, 1999 at 21:45:45:
In Reply to: THE RIGHT GLOVES posted by Chris Holbrook on January 20, 1999 at 14:01:46:
Do you have any pic of this 850s gloves?
: I have read the many arguments about whether the gloves are midwest or Wells Lamont. From what I have read, I am probably the only person on the forum to own the Midwest 850's. I have ultimately concluded that the are most likely the gloves used in "Raiders". One person in the forum remarked that the color of the 850 is not correct. I disagree. Yes, the gloves are a yellow-biege, when new. However, I have used the gloves for work. By doing this the gloves have become very dirty. The dirt discolors the gloves and makes them look IDENTICAL to the ones used by Ford in Raiders. The 850's are very comfortable in hot wether. I have yet to wear a pair of wells lamont that equall the cool comfort of Midwest 850's. Everyone who is trying to find the Midwest 850's is going on a futile quest because they are SEASONAL GLOVES. These gloves are expensive summer gloves that are not available past September, maybe even August. So if you want the Raiders gloves (Midwest 850), you will have to wait until April or May when local stores begin to stock them. Good luck, remember the gloves need to be dirty to look like the film.