Posted by graml from on January 21, 1999 at 09:25:06:
In Reply to: INDY 4 posted by INDIANA GJR on January 21, 1999 at 08:47:43:
: I truely beleive Indy 4 will be made. As of when, who the hell knows. I heard from the man himself he would don the fedora "in a new york miniute!" I come to the conclusion that patience is everything. Ford is a busy man and most likley has movie projects lined up for the next few years. Indy is special to Ford as we all know. Special things come at special times. Just because Indy is not being made now, doesnt mean Indy wil not be made at all. Hope this will give some of us faith,
: G.J.R.
Your devotion is touching. However, I am much more cynical than you.
I hope to God (or at least George Lucas) that Indy 4 gets made, but
I'm pretty sure it won't. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, though.
Just my two cents. Or my dos pesos to my friends south of the border.