Crusade stuff that makes no sense....

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Posted by Jiliac the Grandiose from on January 26, 1999 at 09:11:36:

Okay, dudes and dudettes. Huttman here. Here's something for you to think about. I haven't been able to come up with satisfactory answers to these questions (and believe me I've tried; something in the Trilogy that doesn't make sense? Never!). Here it is. At the beginning of Crusade, when Indy plunges off the Coronado into the sea, where in the heck was he going?! I mean, was he just going to swim until he found land, or what? Then the ship explodes and a life preserver conveniently floats into the frame (heh heh), but Indy couldn't have known it was going to happen. If the ship didn't blow, he surely would have died. Another thing...When Indy first gets on the tank, for some unexplicable reason all these Nazis in a neighboring truck jump on and tackle him. Why didn't they just frickin' shoot him from their present location?! It's not like they were in any danger of shooting Vogel; he was still in the tank at the time. I know it makes it more exciting and all, but...why??? They could've just shot him dead. Ponder it over.

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