Posted by Frank from on January 27, 1999 at 00:16:46:
In Reply to: I've got proof!!! posted by TSL on September 22, 1998 at 13:24:46:
The forth Indiana Jones is called Indiania Jones and the Lost City of Atlantas. It was written by Lucas but re written by Quentin Tarrintino and it stars Harrison Ford, Denis Hopper, Ralph Finnes, Nickolas Cage, Demi Moore, Wynona Ryder and Jack Nickholson. It is set for a suprise summer release against Star War: Episode 1. It is reportetly a super raw movie with much more violence and swearing then the original three. In fact, it will almost certainly recive an R rating. One report I heard from a man who claimed to have been a grip on the movie is that Indy commits suicide at the end. I doubt this but who knows.